Caffeine: The Substance is Present in Food and Medication


An ingredient appreciated by those who practice physical exercises and by those who need to ward off physical fatigue and stay alert, caffeine is not only present in that very hot coffee.

There are other products in nature that contain caffeine in their composition. Examples are guarana, yerba mate, green tea, and green coffee, which are raw materials for herbal capsules, soft drinks, teas and energy drinks, and food supplements.

These four ingredients, when produced in a 100% natural way, offer a good dose of caffeine. That is why they help to create healthier products and offer the benefits that consumers are looking for.


How does 100% natural caffeine work in the body?

Caffeine belongs to the family of xanthines, a brain and psychomotor stimulant. It is a substance that can stimulate the central nervous system, offering a series of benefits depending on the amount ingested and the metabolism of each human being.

For athletes, caffeine is used for different reasons:

  • It has a thermogenic effect, that is, it accelerates metabolism and fat loss;
  • It alleviates the feeling of physical fatigue, so it increases exercise performance;
  • It boosts concentration;
  • It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


For the general population, caffeine also offers many advantages:

  • Boosts mood;
  • Increases the feeling of well-being;
  • Aids in memory;
  • Protects neurons from degenerative processes;
  • Prevents some types of cancers;
  • Treats cellulite and localized fat.


Ingredients that preserve caffeine

The effects of caffeine depend on how it is introduced into production processes. The more natural the input and the less the presence of artificial ingredients, the more the substance will meet the needs of consumers.

In order to offer the best to their customers, many manufacturers have signed partnerships with companies capable of offering caffeine with quality and helping them to use the substance more correctly and healthier.

Frootiva® Co develops different dry plant extracts that offer varying amounts of caffeine. For the production of 100% natural powder, the company submits the plants’ roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds to an atomization process called Spray Drying. In it, properties are preserved and some of them can be even enhanced, as required by the company.

The list of flavors produced that have caffeine includes guarana, yerba mate, green coffee, and green tea. Guarana and yerba mate can bring different amounts of caffeine (10%, 18%, or 22% and 4%, 6%, or 8%, respectively.

READ MORE: 5 Beverages With Dry Extracts That Relieve Stress

In addition to dry plant extracts, Frootiva® Co produces dehydrated fruit and vegetable powders and fruit bits, dehydrated apple pieces covered with crunchy fruit powder that can be sold to manufacturers and businesses or produced in private label packaging.

To learn more about the products and work done by the company, contact us by phone 55 11 4765-0732 or fill out the contact form.


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