Apple powder: discover the benefits of this 100% natural ingredient


Apple powder is a 100% natural input, an extremely beneficial alternative for industries that seek to replace artificial ingredients in their products and bring healthier food to the end consumer.

Used in the production of ready-to-drink juices, juice powders, yogurts, preparations for cakes, among other foods, apple powders can also replace sugars in the production of some products.

The application of apple powder in production processes allows manufacturers to use the “real fruit content” label, reassuring that their items contain all the fruit’s benefits without chemical additives and that they target the public that seeks to control the consumption of preservatives and sugars.


Apple powder guarantees all the benefits of fresh fruit

To turn the fruit into a powder, an atomization process known as Spray Drying is performed. All the water in the fruit is removed, leaving a powder rich in vitamins and minerals at the end. The characteristics of the food are also preserved, such as color, flavor, and aroma.

Both apple pulp and skin are rich in vitamin C, mineral salts, and fiber. Using the fruit powder input is to take advantage of all these nutritional properties in the development of products, allowing manufacturers to bring the real content of apple to their consumers and promote the ingestion of a lower glycemic and caloric index.

Because apple powder can be used to replace sugar in production processes, brands see a good opportunity to develop food with a low glycemic index, attracting a greater number of consumers.

Apples also have antioxidant substances that directly help fight colds, respiratory problems, and flu, in addition to contributing to lower cholesterol.

Check out other benefits:

  • It prevents the appearance of cavities;
  • It reduces the risk of eye diseases;
  • It increases bone health;
  • It relieves stomach problems;
  • It prevents cardiovascular disorders;
  • It improves brain function.

100% natural inputs such as apple powder allow brands to achieve the goal of reducing the amount of artificiality on the labels and meeting their consumers’ desires for healthier products.

To achieve this result, a solution is to build partnerships with companies specialized in the development of these ingredients, such as Frootiva Co.

Understanding the importance of bringing a healthier diet to the end consumer through fully natural inputs, Frootiva® Co has a line of dehydrated fruit powders, preserving the nutrients and driving the food and beverage industries to maintain the nutritional aspects of both the apple and other fruits.

READ MORE: Sugar-free desserts: more flavor with fewer chemical additives

In addition to dehydrated fruit and vegetable powders, Frootiva® Co produces dry plant extracts and fruit bits, which are dehydrated apple pieces covered with crunchy fruit powder that can be sold to industries and businesses or produced in private label packaging.

To learn more about the products and work done by the company, contact us by phone 55 11 4765-0732 or fill out the contact form


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