High-Content Magnifying Glass: How to Avoid It in Your Products?


Does Your Brand Need to Add the High-Content Magnifying Glass on Packages? This new determination by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) directly impacts the sales of food and beverage manufacturers.

This magnifying glass is a way of alerting consumers that a certain product has a marked amount of sugar, fat, or some other ingredient that may pose a health risk if consumed beyond what is allowed.

Did you know that with some changes in the production process, it is possible to avoid the presence of a high-content magnifying glass in products and ensure compliance with regulations?

If you are an entrepreneur or are interested in understanding how to deal with this new regulation and ensure the quality of your products, read on!


High-Content Magnifying Glass from Anvisa: What Is It?

Anvisa’s high-content magnifying glass is a new rule from the federal agency on the nutritional labeling of industrialized food. This determination requires packages of food high in some ingredients that are harmful to health, such as sugars, saturated fat, and sodium, to have an informative symbol on the front.

This symbol is represented by a magnifying glass, which serves as a visual alert for consumers to easily identify the presence of these ingredients in high quantities.

The high-content magnifying glass intends to provide more clarity and visibility to the nutritional information of products, allowing consumers to make more conscious eating choices.


Deadline for Companies to Comply with Anvisa’s New Determination

The new rule for nutrition labeling came into effect on October 9, 2022, and since then, food and beverage manufacturers have had 12 months to comply with the standard.

Therefore, the companies had until October 9 of this year to adapt their products to the new requirements. So, those who sell products with high sugar, sodium, and added fat content without the presence of a magnifying glass are not complying with the law.

READ MORE: What Is Your Company’s Plan for Sugar Reduction in Products?


How Can Frootiva® Co’s Products Help Your Company Escape the High-Content Magnifying Glass?

To prevent Anvisa’s high-content magnifying glass from being present on the label of your products, an efficient and practical solution is to invest in natural inputs, such as dehydrated fruit and vegetable powders, fiber, and dry extracts.

For this, you can count on the help of Frootiva® Co. The company offers healthy options that will contribute to the reduction of sugar, sodium, and fat in food and beverages. In this way, your brand will not have Anvisa’s high-content magnifying glass and consumers will know they can trust the products manufactured and marketed.

Frootiva® Co uses the process known as Spray Drying to remove water from fruits, vegetables, and plants, allowing the input to maintain all the properties and nutrients of the food, including the color.

The use of natural inputs in food and beverage production processes contributes to the reduction of sugar in food. An example is apple powder, which enters the list of ingredients to sweeten the products more healthily.

Soluble fibers also aid in this process to maintain the texture of food. In consumer health, fibers positively interfere in increasing satiety, reducing bad cholesterol, and improving intestinal function.

Frootiva® Co’s Product Line Is Comprised of:

To learn more about the products and work done by Frootiva® Co, contact us by phone at 55 11 4765-0732 or fill out the form.


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