Dry Hibiscus Extract Is an Ingredient for the Food Industry


Dry hibiscus extract is a natural substance increasingly valued by the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.

In recent years, the plant has been studied for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, responsible for bringing several benefits to those who consume it.

If you want to learn more about dry hibiscus extract, its properties, and health benefits and understand why it can be a very interesting input for different industries, continue reading this article!


Hibiscus: Brazil has Hundreds of Different Species

There are currently more than 300 species of hibiscus in Brazil. The two most common in the country are the evergreen Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, a tree with large leaves that can reach five meters in height; and the deciduous Hibiscus syriacus, with simpler petals and rapid growth.

Unlike other plants, hibiscus blooms almost all year round, especially during the spring and summer. The flowers have several shades, the most common being white, light and dark pink, yellow, salmon, red, and orange.

READ MORE: Dry yerba mate extract: where to use this product?


Main Health Benefits of Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a plant rich in beneficial health properties. Some of the main ones include:

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity;
  • Control of cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • Diuretic effect;
  • Prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases;
  • Help for those seeking weight loss.

Hibiscus tea is a common form of consumption. Moreover, it can be found in other formats such as dry extract, sachets, and capsules.

ALSO READ: 5 Beverages With Dry Extracts That Relieve Stress 


How Manufacturers Can Use Dry Hibiscus Extract

The food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries use dry hibiscus extract in a variety of ways, including the production of fermented beverages, jellies, and food supplements. Also, because it is natural and has numerous beneficial health properties, hibiscus is a great coloring for food and beverages.

In some cases, dry hibiscus extract may also be used in pharmaceutical formulas, such as tablets and capsules, for the treatment of specific health conditions.

For the production of dry hibiscus extract, the chalice of the plant is usually used – composed of sepals of the flowers, which are modified leaves and are on the outer part of the flower, protecting it.

KEEP READING: Dry Extracts of Medicinal Plants: How to Use Them?


Where to Buy 100%-Natural Dry Hibiscus Extract?

100%-natural dry hibiscus extract is obtained through a highly technological process called Spray Drying, which removes water and preserves the nutritional aspects and characteristics of plants and fruits.

Frootiva® Co operates in the production, commercialization, and export of natural ingredients made from plants, seeds, and fruits present in Brazil.

In the company, you can find 100%-natural dry hibiscus extract, in addition to other flavors of dry extracts. Frootiva® Co’s product lines also comprise fluid guarana extract, fruit powders, and dehydrated vegetable powders.

To learn more about the products and work done by Frootiva® Co, contact us by phone at 55 11 4765-0732 or fill out the form.


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